Hostler: runs a boarding house or bed and breakfast where travellers can get a room. Serves meals and drinks.
United States of America (English). TM: 3
The character is the child of immigrants to Western Europe. Ireland (English, Gaelic). TM: 3. The character was born in Scandinavia. Sweden (Swedish). TM: 3 and moved to this land upon reaching adulthood. Darkside Trait: Self-doubting: unsure of self and abilities.
Illegitimate birth
Other Relation. Grandparent. Parent of a parent.
(5) In a forest (in the trees, not in a hut or house)
Three unusual occurrences. The infant character was left to die (maybe in a trash bin?) by natural mother. Character is subsequently raised by foster parents who are given custody of the infant. Seasonally unnatural weather occurred. This might include blizzards in summer or soaring temperatures in winter. The character's birth was well publicized, whether due to deliriously happy parents or due to his family merely being in the public eye, or just the strangeness of the situation. The local communication networks just overran with the news.
Both parents within the household have an occupation ( Health Care Worker: a clerical worker, orderly or nurse./Gardening. Devoted. Given a choice, this is how the character spends his free time. About 10 to 15% of total income is spent on this hobby. Skill Rank: 3)

Household servant: Gardener
United States of America (English). TM: 3
Character is a member of a indigenous native people, now a racial minority.
Legitimate birth
None known. Raised in an Orphanage. Change Social Status to Poor.
(0) In a hospital
Four unusual occurrences. A friend of the family is a brilliant scientist, but a bit mad. As he delivered the character, he injected her with an experimental drug. It apparently did nothing. As the character develops, however, she realizes that she is using much more of her brain's potential than other people -- up to 90% of her potential, compared to the 10% of normal people. Add 6 bonus points to the characters main mental attribute(s). Oh by the way, the character REMEMBERS the scientist and the incident. Character's mother attempted to kill character immediately after birth, but was prevented. No justification was given at the time for her behavior. Character is born with an unusual birthmark. Fist A person of note in the vicinity of the character's home died when he or she was born. Character could be blamed for the death, or he might be presumed to be a reincarnation of the deceased. A relative. Spouse (husband or wife).
Head of household (NPC) has one primary occupation which is performed full-time (Charcoal burner: converts wood into charcoal.) and a secondary occupation which is performed on a part-time basis (Flying. Military Planes Consuming Passion. This activity is a focal point of the character's life ). Character will spend 42% of his total income on this hobby and may have to be forcibly pried away from the pursuit of the hobby. Skill Rank: 2).

Enthusiast: Social dancing -- both formal and informal.
South American nations. Suriname (Dutch). TM: 2
The character's ancestry and current nation of residence are the same. While the character's ancestors may have come from another land, he has no strong emotional, physical or cultural ties to another country.
Illegitimate birth
None known. Left to fend for self. Change Social Status to Destitute (3 Ranks to Survival Skills).
(+5) In a combined exotic location. Select two locations on (15) In the presence of monsters. Select the monster: Exotic Places, combine them together and add the BiMods.
Three unusual occurrences. The infant character was left to die (maybe in a trash bin?) by natural mother. Character is subsequently raised by foster parents who are given custody of the infant. Character was lost in the wilds almost immediately after birth, and spent [3-18] years being raised by intelligent (for animals) wild animals. Choose a fairly "smart" animal from the world, and assume that the character can communicate reasonably well with it. Also, he probably has several skills now that are not normally available to humans (or does some much better). The character's birth was well publicized, whether due to deliriously happy parents or due to his family merely being in the public eye, or just the strangeness of the situation. The local communication networks just overran with the news.
Head of household (NPC) has one occupation. Merchant Monopoly: Jewelry Dealer: Trades in gemstones and jewelry. The merchant controls all businesses of this sort in either a major city or a small country.

Explorer: goes where no one has gone before.
Western Europe. France (French). TM: 3
The character's recent ancestry and current nation of residence are the same, however, the character has strong ethnic ties to, and takes great pride in his or her ancestor's country of origin, Western Europe. Portugal (Portuguese). TM: 3.
Legitimate birth
Aunt and Uncle.
(+5) In a combined exotic location. influence. (10) In a prison cell (might indicate that the character's mother was imprisoned at the time).
Nothing unusual occurred.
Head of household (NPC) is or was an adventurer.

Hostler: runs a boarding house or bed and breakfast where travellers can get a room. Serves meals and drinks.
Mideast & other Arab lands. Arabia (includes all countries/tribal groups on Arabian peninsula) (Arabic). TM: 2
The character is a member of a racial minority within the area of ancestry.
Legitimate birth
Creche. Communal child-rearing.
(+5) In an exotic location. Select it on (5) In a brothel (this does not necessarily indicate that her mother was a prostitute).: Exotic Places.
Two unusual occurrences. A psychic declares that the character will be afflicted by an ancient family curse (that the character's family obviously thought was long gone) upon reaching adulthood. Once each year, the adult character (and those around him) may be afflicted by a tragedy. If the character has a lover, then something terrible happens to the beloved. Unfaithful lover leaves character heartbroken. The character was put up for adoption upon birth. The character begins the background process over again for her new family. Barbaric (CuMod: 2, Survival Ranks: 6, Education Points: 3)
Head of household (NPC) does not have a readily apparent occupation of any kind. When money is needed, it just seems to be available.

Professional Hobbyist: the character may teach the hobby, perform it professionally or sell its end products. Study. Art Devoted. Given a choice, this is how the character spends his free time. About 10 to 15% of total income is spent on this hobby. Skill Rank: 2
United States of America (English). TM: 3
Character is a member of a repressed people.
Legitimate birth
Two Parents (if illegitimate, parents not married).
(5) In a barn (or other farm building)
One unusual occurrence. Character is born during the occurrence of a noteworthy event. First contact
Head of household (NPC) does not have a readily apparent occupation of any kind. When money is needed, it just seems to be available.

Tent or Sail maker: depending on the culture, he makes tents (of felt, fabric or leather) or sails for sailing boats.
Eastern Europe. Finland (Finnish, Swedish). TM: 3
The character was born in Eastern Europe. Yugoslavia (Serbo-Croatian). TM: 2 and moved to this land while young.
Illegitimate birth
State-run Center. Communal child care.
(0) In a swimming pool (the natural birth idea)
Five unusual occurrences. Character has identical twin (separated at birth)(similar temperment). Character was lost in the wilds almost immediately after birth, and spent [3-18] years being raised by intelligent (for animals) wild animals. Choose a fairly "smart" animal from the world, and assume that the character can communicate reasonably well with it. Also, he probably has several skills now that are not normally available to humans (or does some much better). Character was bom with serious physical afflictions. Physicians replace 1 defective or missing body parts with artificial counterparts. The functional ability of the parts reflect available technology. Dexterity Concerned parents or relatives start a savings fund for the character when she is born. Character starts with 2x normal starting money, and will receive 5% starting money in interest monthly. Character is born immediately after a momentous event. The character is forced into an unwanted marriage. If the character is already married, the old spouse "disappears" (he or she may have been kidnapped, imprisoned or killed). At the time of marriage, the new spouse dislikes the character and will obviously cause the character grief for some time to come. Roleplay: Superstitious folk often associate one event with another. Others who know of this might easily believe the character's birth was related to the event.
Head of household (NPC) does not work. Other parent works ( Professor: teaches at a college or university.).